Projets associés
In 2016, the establishment of the Arab Countries Trade and Investment Organisations Network (ACTION) under the AfTIAS programme marked a pivotal step towards fostering Arab regional integration. ACTION emerged from the collective ambition of Arab nations to enhance their trade and investment...
This project seeks to increase the awareness and understanding of the Sudan public sector on WTO Accession. The project will create a number of resources (online and physical) in order that when the context in Sudan improves, these can be used by officials to help to re-launch the accession process.
In view of the challenges to the trade of agricultural products in the NENA region, ITC will provide support to enhance intra-regional trade in selected agricultural value chains by removing obstacles to export, transit and import.The main objectives of this initiative are:To improve the...
This project seeks to increase the awareness and understanding of the Sudan private sector on WTO Accession. The project will reach out to various private sector stakeholders to inform and enhance their understanding of WTO Accession and provide complementary support in view of the challenging...
The Project aims to achieve its objectives by:providing technical assistance for the WTO mission in Genevasupporting the establishment of functional SPS/TBT enquiry pointscontributing to the establishment of a WTO Centre for Researchbuilding capacity to conduct trade liberalisation reforms and...
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) helps acceding governments in achieving greater stability for business operations through policy transparency requirements and constraints on members’ freedom to introduce trade barriers. The improved business environment through enhanced governance practices...
The overall objective of the proposed project is to attract investment and promote trade and sustainable industrial and business development at continental level, concretely supporting the AfCFTA Secretariat and the African Union and delivering on the Africa-EU partnership for sustainable growth and...
Nouvelles associées
Événements et formations
ITC @ 5e Conférence des Nations Unies sur les pays les moins avancés (LDC5)
La Conférence des Nations Unies sur les pays les moins avancés est le forum où se discute la manière de libérer tout le potentiel des pays les moins avancés (PMA), et plus particulièrement la manière dont la communauté internationale peut les aider à avancer étape après étape sur la...