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Nous fournissons un appui sur mesure, aligné sur les objectifs nationaux, afin d'accroître les opportunités commerciales des micro, petites et moyennes entreprises des pays en développement.
Nos analyses de marché et nos ressources vous aideront à examiner les informations commerciales cruciales pour plus de 200 pays et territoires.
Nous visons à amener prospérité, inclusion et durabilité aux pays en développement grâce à une assistance au développement liée au commerce.
Les événements du Centre du commerce international engendrent l’innovation et établissent les connexions au profit des petites entreprises des pays en développement pour qu’elles s’engagent dans un commerce inclusif, vert, numérique et résilient.
As part of the United Kingdom Trade Partnerships (UKTP) Programme, the International Trade Centre (ITC) is delivering a series of specialized export-focused training sessions to empower firms and institutions in developing countries and economies in transition. These sessions aim to equip...
As part of the United Kingdom Trade Partnerships (UKTP) Programme, the International Trade Centre (ITC) is delivering a series of specialized export-focused training sessions to empower firms and institutions in developing countries and economies in transition. These sessions aim to equip...
The International Trade Centre (ITC), founded in 1964, is a joint agency of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization, committed to enhancing global trade, particularly from developing countries. Through its initiatives, ITC promotes economic growth, job creation, and supports the United...
The International Trade Centre (ITC), founded in 1964, is a joint agency of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization, committed to enhancing global trade, particularly from developing countries. Through its initiatives, ITC promotes economic growth, job creation, and supports the United...
The International Trade Centre (ITC), founded in 1964, is a joint agency of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization, committed to enhancing global trade, particularly from developing countries. Through its initiatives, ITC promotes economic growth, job creation, and supports the United...
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