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Nous fournissons un appui sur mesure, aligné sur les objectifs nationaux, afin d'accroître les opportunités commerciales des micro, petites et moyennes entreprises des pays en développement.
Nos analyses de marché et nos ressources vous aideront à examiner les informations commerciales cruciales pour plus de 200 pays et territoires.
Nous visons à amener prospérité, inclusion et durabilité aux pays en développement grâce à une assistance au développement liée au commerce.
Les événements du Centre du commerce international engendrent l’innovation et établissent les connexions au profit des petites entreprises des pays en développement pour qu’elles s’engagent dans un commerce inclusif, vert, numérique et résilient.
The International Trade Centre supports 16 small businesses from Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal and Zimbabwe to take part in Spring Fair 2024 at the NEC, Birmingham as part of UK the STC+ and UKTP projects funded by UK in International Development. Address:National Exhibition CentrePendigo Way,...
The Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP II), funded by the European Union (EU) from 2023-2027, aims to enhance economic development in the East African Community (EAC) through sustainable intra-African and EU-Africa trade. Focused on improving livelihoods, employment, and export competitiveness...
In the framework of the TradeMark Africa-led Value-added Initiative to Boost Employment programme, in partnership with Mastercard Foundation, ITC #SheTrades is supporting 20 Rwandan women-led businesses in the horticulture sector to exhibit at Fruit Logistica 2024.Visit us at Fruit Logistica at Hall...
Today, small and medium enterprises (SME) play an important role in the economic and social development of countries. Therefore, empowering the SMEs and other organizations that affect their ecosystem can lead to economic and social leap. Therefore, " the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs...
ITC, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), is organizing the Second Iraq National Trade Forum between 27 and 28 November 2023 in Baghdad, Iraq. The Forum will combine high-level panels with practical workshops and business-to-business (B2B) meetings, along with an...
Abu Dhabi
World Trade Organization (WTO) Members, the WTO Secretariat and the International Trade Centre (ITC) have placed inclusive trade at the forefront of global, regional and national agendas. In 2017, the Buenos Aires WTO Declaration on Trade and Women's Economic Empowerment was a key milestone in the...
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