Ugandan training session focuses on building capacity in monitoring and evaluation (en)
The Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA), the Uganda Export Promotion Board (UEPB) and the National Union of Coffee Agribusiness and Farm Enterprises (NUCAFE) became more accomplished at monitoring and evaluation during a one-week ITC training session.
Nine participants from the three Trade Support Institutions (TSIs) got hands-on exposure to the planning and execution of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) projects during the session, which ran from 28 November to 1 December in Jinja. The training included group work activities, discussions and case studies as well as presentations by Lead Monitor Mr. Patrick Semwogerere, National Facilitator Mr. Ntaro Vincent, UCDA's Principal Information Officer, Mr. James Kiito Mayanja, and ITC’s Project Manager Mr. Olivier Naray, amongst others.
ITC will follow up at UCDA, which is developing its own M&E system and plans to hire staff to work on its monitoring activites. Participants agreed to share what they learned at the session with their workmates and to use the information they obtained to collect relevant data and use it to improve performance.