Tourism, the SDGs and ITC (en)
goals and ITC aims to make it happen
Tourism is the fastest-growing and one of the most dynamic economic sectors worldwide, accounting for roughly 30% of global trade in services. It ranked third as a worldwide export category in 2015, after fuels and chemicals and ahead of food and automotive products.
For many developing countries, tourism constitutes the single largest foreign exchange earner. Tourism is a sector predominantly driven by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and is particularly valuable as an agent for development and as a driver for socio-economic progress. Tourism value chains encompass a wide range of goods and services and generate multiplier effects across many sub-activities, producing trickle-down effects that benefit local and marginalized communities. As a leading employment sector, tourism offers one of the most effective viable tools for poverty alleviation and sustainable development.
For these reasons, tourism is repeatedly mentioned in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – also known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Goals 8, 12 and 14 highlight the sector’s potential to contribute to economic growth, social inclusion and environmental preservation. By scaling up job creation in the tourism sector, society can benefit from improved skills and professional development, and especially women and youth. The tourism sector therefore has the potential to address the persistent youth unemployment problems and to narrow the gender gap, especially in developing countries. The International Trade Centre (ITC) is committed to harnessing tourism potential for women and youth by facilitating their access to jobs and participation in international value chains, which leads to wealth creation and inclusive growth.
TOURISM POLICYITC offers integrated solutions by building
institutional, managerial and entrepreneurial
capacities simultaneously at government,
institutional and enterprise levels.
ITC works with governments and trade and
investment support institutions (TISIs) on
creating conducive policy environments and
with SME beneficiaries on enhancing export
Raising awareness of the importance
of the tourism sector for sustainable development
and facilitating exchange of best
practices reflect the policy segment of ITC’s
work in tourism. As part of ITC’s mandate
to foster sustainable development through
increased trade opportunities, the Trade
Development Strategy programme offers
a suite of strategic solutions to maximize
the development payoffs from trade. ITCfacilitated
trade-development strategies and
roadmaps can be tailored to specific sectors,
including the tourism sector, as reflected in
our recent work in Liberia.
In 2016, the Liberian government and
ITC, with funding from the Enhanced Integrated
Framework (EIF), developed and
launched a strategy for the tourism sector
to attract more tourists and investment to
Liberia with a view on generating inclusive
growth and jobs. This national export
strategy for tourism outlines a road map
that identifies six key areas of engagement:
reviewing policies; tackling infrastructure
issues; training and skills building; engaging
local communities; strengthening institutional
capacities; and better branding and
marketing of Liberia’s tourism offerings.
More than 120 concrete project activities
have been identified to redress bottlenecks
in the development of the tourism sector in
ITC’s specific competence also lies in its
trade orientation and its mandate to work
with the private sector, especially for SME
internationalization. ITC has developed and
implemented tourism projects worldwide
providing local communities with invaluable
opportunities to grow through tourism.
Countries in which ITC has intervened
include Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, El Salvador,
Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Mozambique, Myanmar,
Tajikistan and Viet Nam. For example,
ITC’s tourism project in Myanmar aims to
enhance trade competitiveness of the tourism
sector in Kayah state. This is being achieved
by integrating local producers and service
providers into the tourism value chains on
one hand, while on the other hand helping
inbound tour operators in Myanmar to
develop inclusive tourism tours in Kayah
state and promoting the region in international
markets (see Pages 30-32).
The Myanmar project delivers impacts through increased export capacity of tour operators and tourism-related suppliers; increased capacity of tourism associations to provide sector development services; and enhanced business linkages and partnerships for SMEs in the international market. The project addresses the whole tourism value chain by overcoming bottlenecks at each point from product development over market linkages to destination branding, bringing all players together in moving towards sustainable tourism.
To maximize impact of technical assistance in tourism, ITC and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) have entered into a strategic partnership to aggregate their resources and competencies, and to share perspectives in the process of rethinking a joint approach to Aid for Trade in tourism. The partnership also aims at having a more integrated and innovative approach to tourism development for inclusive growth.
Among the first steps are the development of a joint ITC-UNWTO offering for national tourism export strategies and the collaboration with UNWTO in projects that ITC is leading in the Gambia and Sri Lanka. This collaboration reflects ITC’s vision that increased coordination among donors and implementing agencies can help create comprehensive tourism projects that are more effective in enhancing tourism’s contribution to sustainable development.