PIGA regional workshop on preparing investment proposals (en)
Foreign investors are looking for concrete investment opportunities in Africa and are attracted by well-developed investment proposals. The PIGA project supports the development of investment proposals by training and coaching Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) and selected project promoters from Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique and Zambia. Those concrete investment opportunities will be promoted and pitched to Chinese investors during investment promotion events in Africa and China.
The PIGA regional workshops held from 16 to 18 of October gathered IPAs focal points nominated for the preparation of greenfield investment projects. The training equipped them with knowledge on preparing attractive investment proposals targeted to potential Chinese investors. The workshop included a coaching on selecting greenfield opportunities, preparing a business proposal as well as marketing and pitching material.
Current IPAs’ practices focus on the presentation of their respective countries as an attractive investment destination, description of macroeconomic indicators and the business environment. To improve promotion and to mobilization of foreign investment, they need support to develop investment proposals focusing on business issues of interest to investors and responding to investors’ needs and requirements.
The workshop included an initial training activity addressing the local institution’s needs to be able to design and prepare professional and attractive greenfield proposals, including the investment projects’ write-up of business proposal, business plan, financial analysis and statements, as well as cost-benefit analysis. Participants also benefited from peer-learning during group discussions and feedback sessions. They were provided with necessary tools such as templates, guidelines and models. Following the training, the participants will receive remote coaching and expert advice on their write-up and material.
For the activity to be sustainable, local investment promotion agencies currently manage the process of identifying and preparing the by training and coaching relevant staff on the methodology, in order for them to be able to continue this work and continue to attract investments in the long term.