ITC at the Geneva Trade Week (en)
The International Trade Centre will contribute to the Geneva Trade Week with several events highlighting the support needed by small businesses to recover and become more resilient.
Speakers include on 30 September Ms. Dorothy Tembo, Acting Executive Director, on 'Rebooting tech ecosystems after Covid-19' and on 1 October the new Executive Director, Ms. Pamela Coke-Hamilton, at her first official engagement. Organized by the new Geneva Trade Platform, the online event takes place from 28 September to 2 October 2020.
Events organized or supported by the International Trade Centre include:
Tuesday, 29 September, 15:00-16:30
Ensuring Food Security, Sustainably: What Role for Trade?
Organizers: Food and Agriculture Organization, International Institute for Sustainable Development,
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Wednesday, 30 September, 9:00-10:30
Collaborating for Trade and Investment Success in the Digitalized World
Organizer: International Trade Centre
Trade in support of circular economy, sustainable development and green recovery post COVID-19
Organizers: Permanent Mission of Finland, Permanent Mission of the Netherlands, International Trade Centre, Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, World Economic Forum, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Institute for European Environmental Policy
Gastronomy in tourism supply chains: Shrinking the Distance between Farmer and Consumer
Organizer: United Nations World Tourism Organization
Thursday, 1 October
Plenary: Trade and… - Organizer: Geneva Trade Platform
Agri-Commodity Financing Gaps: How National Development Banks can Respond
Organizer: International Financial Consulting
Friday, 2 October
Achieving SDGs through Voluntary Sustainability Standards: What role for public procurement and trade policy? Organizers: Global Express Association, Food and Agriculture Organization, International Trade Centre, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UN Environment,
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Closing Plenary - Organizer: Geneva Trade Platform
Register and find the full programme here