IE School of Global & Public Affairs Launches Executive Master in Internationalization and Trade (en)
The IE School of Global and Public Affairs and the International Trade Centre, in coordination with the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation launched the Executive Master in Internationalization and Trade (EMIT.) A unique example of a partnership between multilateral agencies and a top tier university, the programme will begin in February 2020, combining face-to face modules in Madrid and Geneva with live online sessions and interactive forums.
The event featured a panel discussion with International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation CEO, Hani Salem Sonbol; International Trade Centre Executive Director Arancha Gonzalez; and invited speaker Cabify Chief Cities & Communities Officer, Isaac Martin Barbero. The Director of EsGlobal Cristina Manzano moderated the discussion.
The new Executive Master in Internationalization and Trade will prepare leaders for a multipolar world that tests multilateralism and the global trading architecture. It has been created with the following profiles in mind: policymakers, government officials, and staff of international organizations working on trade-related issues, investment policy and regulation who aspire to foster economic development and lead their teams in this period of change. The Master course also targets senior managers and business owners interested in expanding their businesses to new international markets, with distinct cultures and regulatory environments; trade professionals willing to advance their careers and adapt to the new forces that are reshaping global trade; investors eager to understand challenges and promote more sustainable investment opportunities; career shifters with creative mindsets motivated to find new commercial opportunities in a connected world. Prospective students can request more information at https://landings.ie.edu/masterform-gpa-executive-master-internationalization-trade.