Centro de Información de embalaje se abre en el Instituto de Promoção de Exportação (IPEX), Mozambique (en)
With Mozambique SMEs increasingly participating in international trade, smaller companies with export potential are looking for relevant, simple to understand, up-to-date and practical information on export packaging.
The Packaging Information Center (PIC) addresses this need by providing the information required by exporters and exporting SMEs for the five specific product categories of interest to Mozambique. The information is relevant to all involved in the export chain, i.e. packaging materials, producers, packaging users, packaging materials importers, as well as those involved in physical distribution, insurance and finance etc. The PIC is also an important tool for use by packaging institutions, specialized consultants as well as the universities and research & development institutions involved in export packaging matters.
Starting with the baseline of packaging activities, along with support from the stakeholders, specifically the Instituto Nacional de Normalização e Qualidade (INNOQ), Instituto para a Promoção das Pequenas e Médias Empresas (IPEME), and the Direcção nacional de indústria (DNI), and most importantly the cooperation from IPEX has resulted in creating a Packaging Information Center at IPEX, Mozambique.
IPEX staff undergoing training, demonstration and practice session on retrieving information for the exporters.
PIC derives its information from ITCs integrated export packaging kit for developing countries (PACKit). The information structured under the five sections is tailor made to meet the specific needs of exporters who wish to know more about transport packaging and the issues they need to consider for their products. The PIC is expected to link up with INNOQ and IPEME to create a comprehensive information system for Mozambique.