Nigeria: Inclusive Digital Entrepreneurship in the Agri-food Sector (IDEAS)
Información general
The project aims to promote the development of e-commerce in Nigeria, particularly for small businesses from disadvantaged communities, by enhancing their technical and managerial capacities, strengthening market linkages, and creating a conducive environment for their growth.
Processed food producers in Imo State, Nigeria are invited to apply to a training programme on e-commerce.
By providing innovative, effective and fast-acting solutions tailored to the needs of diverse processed food manufacturers, the project aims to expand access to emerging business opportunities that e-commerce offers and to create a more conducive and supportive digital trade ecosystem that works for all.
Who are eligible for the training programme?
People of all genders and ages are welcome to apply.
- Be an officially registered business in Nigeria
- Have production facilities in Imo State, Nigeria
- Produce processed food that is ready for sale
- Be willing to make a dedicated effort to participate in all sessions (seven training sessions, each lasting two hours, and two workshops) and to introduce changes to actual business operation based on learnings
- Ensure participation of senior representatives from your company (the programme will accept no more than three participants per company).
What will the training programme offer?
Participants will receive training on all aspects of e-commerce to start selling products online. Individual advisory support may be offered to a limited number of participants as a follow-up to the training.
Topics to be covered in the training programme include:
- Understanding how e-commerce works
- Identifying target markets and meeting their requirements
- Packaging and labelling
- Branding
- Social media marketing
- E-commerce marketplaces
- Cybersecurity
When and where will the training programme take place?
In Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria from December 2023 to February 2024.
Details of training dates and venues will be communicated to selected participants.
How do I apply for the training programme?
Please apply through the application form. Only selected applicants will be contacted.
Kindly note that no financial support will be provided for the programme's participants.
While we review the applications, all applicants are encouraged to start introductory self-learning: please register your profile on ecomConnect and go to tab Learn then Strive Community E-commerce Training.
Please contact us at ideas [at] intracen.org (ideas[at]intracen[dot]org) for any questions regarding the training programme.