Our clients are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, business support organizations and policymakers around the world. Together, we work to improve trade competitiveness, reduce poverty, and strengthen economies.
With our support, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) who need strengthening can become competitive and capture more value and opportunities from trade.
We tailor solutions for MSMEs that reflect their specific needs, such as those of informal and small-scale producers, aspiring exporters in the formal economy, MSMEs with potential for a higher proportion of exports, active exporters with demonstrated capacity to trade, enterprises that trade indirectly by integrating into value chains, and woman and youth entrepreneurs who face specific challenges.
Reducing global poverty and enhancing economic security are only possible with competitive MSMEs. Our programmes, projects and tools are designed to amplify MSME firm-level capacities to trade, work toward a more supportive business ecosystem, support more conducive policies and regulatory environments and provide business, trade and market intelligence.
ITC works with business support organization (BSOs), including regional, national and sub-national entities charged with supplying trade and investment support services to their MSME members.
We provide benchmarking, diagnostic tools and advisory services. We strengthen BSO governance, managerial, operational and strategic capacities. We work with BSO networks, including cross-border ones, by developing joint strategies, addressing overlaps and gaps, and increasing the effectiveness of the ecosystem.
We offer management training and skills development, enable access to finance and investment, provide guidance in implementing environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, increase digital literacy and e-commerce capabilities, facilitate cooperation between enterprises, and advocacy.
Policymakers are important ITC clients. We support governments on their trade development strategies and making policy and regulatory environments more favorable for micro, small and medium- sized enterprises (MSMEs).
We work to strengthen policymakers’ understanding of MSME needs in relation to e-commerce and digitalization, and creating environments conducive to e-commerce development at the national, regional and multilateral levels.
We provide tools for evidence-based business decisions, policymaking and advocacy. We facilitate access to information on trade dynamics, market access conditions, analytical products and services, growth potential and policy choices, possible business partners and business operations.