Reporting misconduct
ITC takes all reports of unsatisfactory conduct seriously and offers several channels to report.
Anyone can submit a confidential report if they have concerns or information about possible misconduct involving ITC personnel or persons/entities with a contractual relationship with ITC. This includes allegations of fraud, sexual exploitation and abuse, conflicts of interest, procurement violations and other violations of ITC regulations, rules and administrative issuances.
ITC has established an internal Intake and Investigation Function, managed by a dedicated and independent Legal Officer, tasked with receiving complaints of unsatisfactory conduct and conducting preliminary assessments of such reports; they also conduct internal investigations into allegations of misconduct, when requested by the Executive Director, as part of a fact-finding investigative panel.
The Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) remains available for receiving and assessing complaints.
How to report
Reporters are encouraged to be as specific as possible in their complaint submission, including the basic details of who, what, where, when and how any of the incidents occurred. Specific information will allow the investigative office to properly investigate the alleged misconduct.
Where to report
- ITC Legal Officer (Intake and Investigation Function) - intergity [at] intracen.org (integrity[at]intracen[dot]org)
- OIOS - https://oios.un.org/what-we-investigate; + 1 212 963 1111 (24 hours a day)